Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

Click on the links below to read about your right to an accurate credit report, how to order a free credit report and
tips for improving your credit report — legally and for free. Includes sample letters that you can use to correct mistakes on your credit report!

Inaccurate information often appears in consumers’ credit reports. One-fourth of the credit reports have serious errors in them. These errors could result in your being denied a credit card, an insurance policy, a job or a mortgage. If you aren’t aware of the errors until you apply for the new credit, loan or job, you may not be able to get the report corrected in time. That’s why consumers should check their credit reports from time to time, and especially before applying for a major loan or a mortgage.

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), credit reporting agencies and creditors have a duty to correct inaccurate information. There are some simple steps you can take yourself to correct inaccurate information. Failing that, federal law allows consumers to sue to recover their actual damages, statutory penalties, and attorney’s fees and costs for

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